Photo of the StaticWorx range of cleaning products, including EcoScrub degreaser, ScrubWorx neutral pH cleaner, Formula 20.20 cleaning emulsion and gray, maroon and natural fiber scrubbing pads.

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Photo of a box of StaticWorx CoatZF static-dissipative floor finish. The box is brown with a white label on it with some product information and a picture of an installed ESD epoxy floor. The product information reads: 'Static-dissipative floor finish. Designed for high traffic areas. Easy to apply. Long-lasting static protection. Can be applied over conductive tile and ESD coatings without diminishing electrical performance. Note: Not for use over regular (non-ESD) flooring materials.'

CoatZF Static-dissipative Floor Finish

$330.00 USD /
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  1. While StaticWorx CoatZF is intended primarily for use on ESD floors, it will contribute temporary static-dissipative properties to non-ESD floors. When used on non-ESD floors, the floor must be tested regularly, as well as after each application, to ensure and confirm electrical performance.
  2. Some extra high traffic areas may require an initial 3-coat application.
  3. This item is non-returnable/non-refundable.
  4. Coverage rates may vary. Variables outside our control can affect the end result: condition of the floor; equipment in use; procedural deviations; skill of the applicator, and other possible factors. See below for coverage details.
  • 2,000 sq. ft. per gallon, per coat on tile/epoxy (minimum two coats required) – effective coverage 900-1,000 sq. ft. per gallon.
  • <2,000 sq. ft. per gallon, per coat on concrete (minimum two coats required) – effective coverage <900-1,000 sq. ft. per gallon.

StaticWorx CoatZF floor finish is a hard, impenetrable finish, designed for use in high-traffic areas. Unlike most ESD waxes and finishes, CoatZF static-dissipative floor finish can be can be applied to conductive tile and ESD coatings, such as StaticWorx GroundWorx Basics epoxy, and replenished without diminishing the electrical performance of the ESD flooring surface.  

Comprised of 18% solids, application is easy and improves productivity. Fast, easy-to-use CoatZF provides a clean, hospital-like shine. CoatZF can be applied by the regular cleaning crew and requires no more work than routine waxing and buffing.

CoatZF is specially formulated for application in computer rooms, electronic assembly rooms, telephone sub-stations, or any area where static control is desired. Cross-linked polymer chemical structure prevents leaching or wash-out of static-dissipative properties and provides long-lasting static protection.

While StaticWorx CoatZF is intended primarily for use on ESD floors, it will contribute temporary static-dissipative properties to non-ESD floors. When used on non-ESD floors, the floor must be tested regularly, as well as after each application, to ensure and confirm electrical performance.

Can be applied to: Concrete, Epoxy coatings, Polyurethane Sealers, VCT, SVT, SDT, Any ESD tile

Standard coverage: 900-1,000 sq/ft per gallon (with double application)

As ESD flooring suppliers, we understand the investment you’ve made in your floor and appreciate its value. We also know how important it is to protect your electronics 24/7. That’s why we provide strong, environmentally-sound cleaning products that will only enhance – and never compromise – the integrity of your ESD floor.

With our high-performing strippers, cleaning products and finishes, used with a regular maintenance routine, you can rest assured that your ESD floor will maintain its clean, hospital-like shine. And purchasing cleaning products directly from an ESD flooring supplier means you never have to worry about compromising the performance of your floor or voiding your warranty. 

How to Clean & Shine Your ESD Floor

Our AmeriWorx maintenance instructions show how to use our cleaning products to ensure the best finish for your conductive vinyl tile.

StaticWorx products used in this video include ScrubWorx cleaner/degreaser and buffing pads which can be purchased in this store. Formula 20.20 has now been replaced by SEAL 20.20.

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