Photo of a bottle of EcoScrub floor stripper/degreaser. The white, screw-top bottle has a blue label with orange trim on the top and the StaticWorx logo underneath. Large white text on the label reads ECO SCRUB DEGREASER. In smaller orange text underneath: ‘Cleaner +Degreaser’ with a safety warning in white smaller text underneath: “DANGER! CAUSES SERIOUS EYE DAMAGE. CAUSES SKIN IRRITATION. See precautions and first aid statement on side panel. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN."

EcoScrub Floor Stripper/Degreaser

✔ Rinse-free formula

✔ Low foaming

✔ Low odor

$ Price range: $92–$330

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$92.00 USD - $330.00 USD /
Subscription -

For orders exceeding 150 lbs and/or for bulk or resale orders, please call 617-923-2000

  1. This item is non-returnable/non-refundable.
  2. Coverage rates may vary. Variables outside our control can affect the end result: condition of the floor; equipment in use; procedural deviations; skill of the applicator, and other possible factors. See below for coverage details.
  • 4,000 sq. ft. per gallon (standard 1:10 dilution ratio, new and slightly soiled tile)
  • 2,000 sq. ft. per gallon (1:5 dilution ratio, heavy soil)

EcoScrub Floor Stripper/Degreaser easily removes years of heavy build-up of UHS and urethane-fortified finishes by light agitation with a scrubbing machine and standard stripping pad. Even dissolves almost impossible-to-remove straight acrylic sealers.

EcoScrub is ideal for removing StaticWorx CoatZF static-dissipative floor finish, as well as other non-zinc cross-linked floor finishes. This low odor formula is easy to work with and does not require rinsing.

EcoScrub stripper/degreaser is biodegradable with low VOCs and low toxicity. Exceeds nationally accepted green standards.

Use with thin gray scrubbing pad.

Specially designed for use with ESD – and non ESD – vinyl tiles or roll goods.

EcoScrub Specifications




Read the entire label or instruction sheet before using this product.

Recommended for removing StaticWorx CoatZF static-dissipative floor finish.

  1. Dilute (1:4) 32 oz./gal. or 250 mL/L with cold water.
  2. Apply solution liberally with mop.
  3. Allow 4 – 5 minutes contact time. Be sure to keep surface wet at all times. Agitate with a low-speed rotary machine or automatic scrubber (using a stripping pad or brushes).
  4. Pick up solution using a wet vacuum or automatic scrubber and rinse thoroughly.
  5. Allow floor to dry completely.
  6. Please dispose of this product and waste generated from this product in accordance with all applicable local, state, and Federal regulations.
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